PT training- pls read and come

Dear fellow archers,

I am sure that all of you guys have heard about the new program. We'll be having PT (physical training) on every first week of the month. Captains will be there to take the attendance and those who are not there, will have to make it up on another day. Just come for the training, i promise you guys that we will start slow.

Some running, push ups, sit-ups and we will end it with stretching. Then again, i would like to assure you guys that it will not be a strenuous PT. It would be just enough for you guys to feel some strain on your muscles.

Items to bring for PT:
  1. Thera Bands- whether you bought it from Coach Jaffar or Terris it's ok, JUST BRING =)
  2. For those who do not have a Thera Band, bring your bow.
  3. Sport shoes
  4. Running shorts - something light in which you can run with.
  5. Towels - optional
  6. Girls with long hair, bring your hair band.

Those who fail to comply with the item list will be asked to go home and attend a make-up session. Captains will be following this closely.

Venue: The old canteen 5; where our old club house was.

Time:5.15pm - 6.45pm. Archers who come later than that would be considered late. You may be asked to go for the make-up PT session depending on the situation.

If there is anything , please feel free to call me on my hp.


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