News will travel...
So I've heard...

Training without the field being booked by "Archery Club".
Note: It has to be booked by "Archery Club" and not via your own student IDs.

You guys have gotten your 1st warning. You know the drill; in this case, five strikes and you're out. You may think it's a trivial matter, but 5 warnings to last 24 months isn't a lot. Especially if we keep getting caught for this reason. I would really love to see the club still alive 23 months from now.

I see your efforts in wanting to step up your training to show results at the upcoming POL-ITE. I understand your enthusiasm in wanting to bring glory to the club for the forth time in a row. It's nice to know that you're fostering closer ties with one another as you get to know your friends better over trainings and want to hang out more at the field. Or at least, I sincerely hope that's your mindset.

As such, I deeply empathise with you when I say that there shall be no more self-trainings unless the field is booked by "Archery Club". Either the Captain or the Coach must be around when trainings are conducted. Hence, if you'd like extra bookings, especially with POLITE being a mere 23 days away, do let Dolly know and she shall make the necessary arrangements for you.

Please do understand the severity of your actions, in terms of the long run. I don't care if you do not see yourself with the club in 12 months' time. You're a part of NP Archery now, we're answerable for one another's actions. So please do something for the sake of the club instead or yourself. Perhaps the club doesn't mean a lot to you, but it could mean a lot to others.

In other news...

Unless you've been hiding under a rock in a cave at the bottom of the deepest ocean, then you would know that results are out tomorrow. I wish you well. The results of the Year 2s have all along been pretty awesome, so I do hope your keep it up. Kindly screenshot your results (grades + GPA) from NPal and email it to by 5pm on Sunday, 3 October. Stick to the deadline, thanks!

Or you'll get hell from me, eventually.

Yi Jing

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