Basic Archery Course

Venue: Flaming Arrows Archery Club -
CHIJ Bukit Timah [300, Jalan Jurong Kechil ( 598668 )]

Time: 9.ooam - 1.oopm

Date: 28/4, 5/5

Attire: Polo tee and shorts (no cargo pants),
Avoid dark colours,
COMPULSORY covered shoes

Bring: Water bottle and a bit of snacks,
Cap and sunblock

Fee: $35/- cash

If you guys don't know how to get there, meet at Bukit Batok bus interchange at 8.30am SHARP (near bus no. 61).

See you guys there! =D

Those who did not confirm with us on Saturday that you are going for this BAC, please drop us an email ( BY THURSDAY 5pm with your email ad, hp no., full name, course and year. We will call again to confirm by Friday.

-Bi Ling

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