Hi NP archers,

How are you guys? Stressed up? haha. No worries, 3 more days to holiday! Will then see you at the range again!

Just recieved this information from Ms June, our school's SDAR Student Development Officer, I wonder if any of you will be intrested in this:

Archery for the Disabled - Facts, Myths and Opportunities

Organised by the Singapore Disability Sports Council Supported by the Archery Association of Singapore (AAS). It is a workshop held this Saturday, 25 August 2007, from 10 am to 2 pm at Zhenghua CC Conference Room (Bukit Panjang). Entry is FREE.

Agenda of Workshop

1. Archery for the Disabled - Facts & Myths

2. Classification - the Uniqueness of Disabled Sports

3. Opportunities for Coaches & Clubs

4. Sharing Session by Archers with Disabilities

What you can learn

1. Rules/regulations & classification for disabled archery

2. The athlete pathway - for recreational & competitive disabled archery

3. Differences and similarities of mainstream & disabled archery

4. A proposed curriculum outline for coaching disabled archery

For Registration

You can download it from http://www.sdsc.org.sg/what_we_do/event_details/422/.

Return the completed registration form to 6342 0961 (fax) or spex@sdsc.org.sg

For further enquiries, please contact Teck Hua at 6342 0963 or email teckhua.lieu@sdsc.org.sg

So if any of you are intrested in this workshop, please let me know, you may be excuse for this Saturday's training if you are attending this workshop. =)

Ok so training will resume this Saturday, warm up will starts 9am sharp in school field. And follow by some continuous trainings next week, from Monday to Thursday, and Friday will be equiment inspection. All trainings will be held in school, and are complusory for archers who are participating in this Pesta Sukan Competition.

Ok. Good luck for your papers! =)

Train hard, Study harder!


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