Dear archers,

Thanks for helping out with the CCA Fiesta, especially Grace, GOOD JOB all.

As you all know, this coming weekend will be the National Open. There are 5 archers from our club who are competing, Derrick, Edi, Diana, Rasmi(as alumni) and myself.

For those who are competing, please reach Zhenghua Archery Range by 7.30am on Saturday in our Blue jersey with WHITE bottom.

And for the second day, Sunday, please report to the range by 7.30am as well. But in Blue jersey with BLACK bottom.

For those who are not competing, you all are required to show your support down at the range on Sunday, unless with valid reasons. Supporters, please come in the Yellow training tee with black bottoms. You all may report by 8.30am on Sunday.

Thanks and Happy shooting. :)


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