GB:This question may have been asked before, but can anyone assist by advising how the name designation of left handed bow and right handed bow came about as the bow is held in the opposite hand to shoot.

JA:we say right or left hand based on which hand is doing the drawing. So a left handed riser means that its grip is designed for the right hand as the left does the is a little confusing when you think about it..

MARCUS:I believe the terms date way back before the metric system.

Bottom Dweller: In the Roman empire those archers who would draw the bow back with their left hand were considered to be possessed by the devil. The latin word for left is "sinistra", which evolved into today's word "sinister". On the other hand (hehe), those archers that draw the bow back with their right hand were considered to be very able. The latin word for right is "dextra". Which evolved into today's word "dexterous".

But somehow calling a bow type or archer by their original name: "sinister" or "dexterous" just doesn't cut it with the politically correct these days. But we all really know nothing has changed.


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