Nice to see the club doing well.. Open house 2009

hey everyone,

Its nice to see everyone in the club doing well together under the leadership of the new committee.

The Open house this year is really well done and a successful one. Here are some pictures ; Enjoy.

They wanted to take a pic with this girl from the cosplay club.Ahem

Nice packing up..removing of the stickers from the photos.

Archery highs up up for Ngee Ann Poly..

Sneak shots..

Band of Brothers.

Our nicely decorated booth. great job =)

Jing Ming coaching a pretty girl.. phew u weet ~!

End of day shot

Our 2009 Archery Mascot

And last of all, sorry for not going for the AGM, i hope you guys had alot of fun there. I received this board today, i really appreciate it. Thank you; grace and dolly for the work done.
I want to thank Dolly specially for the colour of the board that she chose for me : PINK.. She chose my fav colour XD

I understand the others got their fav colours also. YZ: red, Derrick: blue, Silie: black,Jason:green.

THANK YOU everyone ~!

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