Training Camp

Everybody is to arrive at the NP Bus-stop, latest by 9am tomorrow.

Your packing list would include,

- At least 3 sets of clothing
- Undergarments
- At least 2 pairs of socks
- Covered shoes and slippers
- Toiletries
- Bathing towel
- Small towel
- Pouch
- Ziplock bags
- Washing detergent
- Archery equipment
- Water bottle [ important ]
- Money [ important ]
- Sleeping bag [ optional ]
- Muscle relieving medium e.g, Salonpas [ optional ]

For those who have yet to submit their indemnity forms, do report earlier than the required timing and look for me.

Here's an idea of the camp's activities

-Day 1
Physical training
-Day 2
-Day 3
Physical training

There will also be bow training being conducted throughout the three days at camp, arrows are not needed for this training camp. You may also bring along anything else for the training camp but make sure your valuables are well taken care of.
Settle your breakfast before coming to school.


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