Mass Order

Dear Juniors,

You have come to the end of the BAC and all of your have passed . I am left with one more person for the test.
To be a competitive archer in Ngee Ann, you need to buy some of your own equipment.
We impose on everyone that you will need :

  1. Arm Guard
  2. Finger Tab
  3. Quiver
  4. Arrows
We are going to so a Mass Order so that we get a cheaper price as compared to you buying outside.

Arm Guard

Soma Arm Guard
Cost: $6
Colours: blue, red, white and black

Finger Tab

Soma Clover Finger Tab
Cost: $17
Colours : No colour options


Soma Freenic
Cost: $38
Colours: Black , Blue & Red (black shown)

Cartel 3 Tube Quiver : dynamic 501
Cost: $28
Colours : Red . Blue & Black (red shown)


Easton XX75 Platinum Arrows
Cost : $88
Colours : No Colour Option

AAE Fletches [1 packet = 100 pieces] (no pics available- ask seniors to show you their arrows)
Cost: $18
Colours : Black, Red, Pink, Yellow, Blue, White, Green, Orange, Purple (Colours are subjected to availability )

Juniors are to come down on either Tuesday or Thursday to confirm their orders with Silie. He will take your Draw Length. The Mass Order will end this Thursday, the next Mass Order will be in 1 or 2 months time.

For those juniors thinking of purchasing a personal wooden bow, you can look for either of the coaches and ask for advise.


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