Hi archers,

As you all have heard, the AGM will be held this Saturday, 21 November 2009.
Attendance is compulsory, unless with good reason.

Venue: LT76

All club members are to report at 6pm and be seated at 615pm
As such, we will start promptly at 630pm.
Refreshments will be provided.

Please do take note of the dress code. It will be
smart casual.
All are to be in a formal top, jeans/pants, skirts/dresses, covered shoes.
This means, NO T-shirts, NO polo tees, NO sleeveless tops, NO shorts, NO berms, NO sandals, NO slippers, or whatever else is deemed inappropriate according to the dress code.

Training will go on as per normal this Saturday. However, in lieu of the AGM in the evening, you will be dismissed at lunch, giving you ample time to freshen up before the event.


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