Hi guys,

This is the latest news which will overwrite what you all may have heard/read/seen.

From this day forth, all archers will be deemed to be competitive. Wouldn't everybody like the chance to represent the school and take part in competitions? In the long run, it'd benefit you, the school and everyone else.

As for training hours, Thursdays and Saturdays are compulsory for all archers. So yes, Tuesdays will be optional. HOWEVER, you are all still strongly advised to turn up for all trainings. If you are unable to turn up for any training, all reasons must be submitted to your captain/vice-captains and it will be up to them to approve whether or not it's valid.

Since you're competitive archers, you will all be able to participate in the trials before every competition. However, if your attendance is not up to standards, you may not be selected to represent the club. This will be despite your totally awesome scores.

So attend trainings and train hard,
We only have your best interests at heart :)

Jin Teck

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