Hi everyone,

Firstly, I hope you have learn and enjoyed the BAC. Please remember that there will be a test this coming Saturday for all juniors.

The format of the test will be 20 MCQs and 3 short ans questions for Theory and for Practical, we will be testing on setting up bow and the 9 basic steps of shooting individually. Failures for either the Practical or Theory will be called the coming week.

Secondly, Official training for junior will commence this tuesday at 5pm.
The training schedule
will be either tuesday or thursday , and compulsory on saturday. As for seniors , we will be guiding them along.

15 mins
grace period will be given only to those with lessons ending at 5pm. All others are to be at the field by 5pm.

EVERYONE is to report in sports attire and covered shoes and bring along your water bottle and towels.

(For Juniors with their own equipment, please bring them down for trainings as our equipments are limited.)

Don't be late, or risk being fined $1.

And for those juniors who missed BAC , just come down for trainings on either this tuesday or thursday and report to me first. Ill give you all more details on what you have to do.

Here are the BAC slides for those who didnt take down notes during BAC and for those who missed it ,download them and revise and i will guarantee you a pass.

All juniors, please check the blog regularly for updates of trainings for Tuesdays and Thursdays. IF you cannot make it for any reason, please inform the Captains - (Hao Xin, Wei siong or Me).


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