To all juniors, this is the indemnity form for leisure camp. So please fill in the details, print it and hand it to me by Tuesday. If you do not have a printer, try the school printer. After you have filled in the details, please write down the T-shirt size you want for the camp T-shirt at the top right hand corner of the form. Remember to let your parents sign the form too.
Okay some of the details you might not know what to write so here are the things you need to write in.
1) Organising student club/society : Archery Club
2) Title of activity : Leisure Camp
3) Nature of activity : Overnight stay
4) Start and End date : 11 June 2010 - 14 June 2010
5) Venue : Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Your information should be filled in yourself and remember that you have to include your T-shirt size at the top right hand corner of the form.
And get your parents or guardian to sign it.

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