All archers taking part in NUS do take note...

Archers in the respective category are to report by the following timings at the competition range.

Location: NUS multi-purpose sports hall 2, Sports and Recreation Centre
further details can be found here

Reporting Time

Day 1
Recurve Men's Novice >>> 8am
Ladies' Recurve Novice & Ladies' Recurve Closed >>> 12 nn
Men's Recurve Closed & Ladies Recurve Open >>> 4pm

Day 2
Men's Recurve Open & Compound >>> 8am

Meeting Time

715am >>> Yi Jing(92959051), Clementi bus interchange

1045am>>> Dolly(96927278), Wei Siong(97598292), Hao Xin(98009529), Clementi us Interchange

All Novice Class Archers are to meet yi jing in the morning or go straight if you know the location. all novice archers are to meet there by 8am.

other archers or supporters if you want to go over slightly later can meet dolly, wei siong at clementi bus interchange at the stated time.

All Senior archers are expected to know what time you are supposed to meet for your respective category.

Things To Bring

1) Indemnity FORM!!!
2) student identity card
3) Jacket
4) Warm/hot Drink
5) Pen
6) Scoring Book
7) Bow and Arrow

Competition Wear:
White Jersey and Black Shorts

Last but not least... good luck to all archers competiting tomorrow.
stop msn too late and sleep more

Hao Xin

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