To all Ngee Ann Archers shooting 70M. There will be upcoming national trail this Sunday , 2/1/11 and 30/1/11.
In order to get into national team this year, you must shoot the required score for the category twice consecutively .

If possible, going for this sunday trail is highly recommended as the time and dates for the thrid trail is not out yet, or there might not even be one. So this might be your only chance to get into the national team.

Trail Detail -
Double 70m - 640 (Elite Team with full subsidy)
625 (Elite Team)
570 (Development Team)

Double 50m - 10-5 ring 80cm target face.

Date: 2nd and 30th of January 2011

Venue: Zheng Hua National Archery Range

Time: 8.30am Registration, 9.00am controlled practise

Fee: S$10 (for currently non-natt archers)

Format: Double 70m (Recurve), Double 50m (Compound)

If anybody is interested , please tell Coach or Silie ASAP so that we can help you all register before the date line if theres any.


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