Common Test Break and Training Camp

Hi Archers,

1) Exam Break

There will be NO trainings from this week onwards due to Common Test. Please take this time to study hard for your Common Tests and do well! Training will only resume on 16th June. Further details will be pass down soon.

2) Training Camp

Training Camp will officially be from 19 -21 June (Thursday to Saturday).

3) NUS Indoor

NUS Indoor will be held on the 14th and 15th of June from 8am to 9pm at NUS.

For the seniors: Please check the NUS Indoor chat for the Schedule for both days.
Those seniors that are not participating can come down to support too!

For the juniors: If any of you are interested to watch your seniors compete and support us, please feel free to come down if you're free to watch us and find out what competition is like!
The atmosphere in trainings and competitions is very different so it'll be a good experience for you all to see before POL-ITE comes around in August

Study hard and train hard everyone and we'll see you all again when training resumes!

Elena :D 

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