Training Updates

Happy New Year and Welcome Back Archers! 🎆🎆
This year, our FOCUS is 'TEAM SPIRIT'.

With strong team spirit, we can foster strong connections the next generation of NP archers.

In 2020, we will...
  1. have more group PT sessions! (Every Odd Mondays)
  2. have more events! (mini-competitions, prizes to be won 👀)
  3. introduce a Demerit Point System for the club. (Details below)
  4. work together and make a comeback 💪🏻

Demerit Point System

  • Points given to archers who do not come for training without giving valid reason
  • Points given to archers for misconduct.
  • Points exceed certain value = no participation in competitions
Training will resume next week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 6pm to 9pm.

Attendance will be taken as per normal.

Those who are unable to make it for training do make sure you inform the Captains in advance with a valid reason.

If reason not submitted at least one day before training, burpees will be issued. Unless reason is sudden and valid.
Training Calendar for Jan-March 2020
  • Red - Stand-down
  • Yellow - BT+PT Session
  • Cyan - Range Training

Sheng Bin

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