Training Update (29 Sept)

Hey Archers,

From 27 Sept onwards, training will be held in groups of 2. 

This post will also include safety distancing measures and training etiquettes that we would like everyone to follow from today onwards.

Training Timings

Monday and Wednesday (Zoom/ FTF) : 6pm - 8pm (5:50pm ready)

Saturday (Zoom): 9am - 10:30am (8:50am ready)

  • For FTF trainings, archers should arrive before 5:50pm to set up your bows and everyone should be done and ready for warmup. Archers who arrive after 5:50pm will have to do 10 burpees for every minute after 5:50pm.
  • 1st arrow should be out by 6:00pm sharp to ensure an efficient training. 
  • Range fees are not covered by school, but you can consider purchasing TAA's monthly pass if you come often.

Safe Management Measures (IMPORTANT) 

  • Maintain 1m distancing when a mask is worn.
  • Maintain 2m distancing when shooting.
  • Archers are only allowed to retrieve their own arrows.
  • Face mask is to be worn as a default. 
  • Face masks can be taken off during exercise. 
  • During non-strenuous activity (eg. breaks, retrieving of arrows), Archers have to put on face mask.
  • Group of archers are to maintain at least 3 m apart from other groups.
  • Stick strictly to your groupings.
  • Sanitization breaks at 30 minutes intervals and 15 minutes before training starts: 5:45pm, 6:00pm, 6:30pm, 7:00pm, 7:30pm, 8:00pm. 
  • Disinfectant will be provided by school, but you still need to bring your own hand sanitizer.
  • After dismissal, do not mix with people outside your group. 
  • After dismissal, do not wait for each other or loiter, leave training venue immediately.

What to Bring for FTF Training: 
  • Hand Sanitiser 
  • Water Bottle 
  • Archery Equipment (If you have)
  • Towel 
  • Yourself (duh..)
Upon arrival at the range... 

  • Check into the range on your TraceTogether app
  • Write your name and mobile number on the range booklet for contact tracing
  •  Complete your TOMS :
  •  Place your bags on the hangers and set up your equipment immediately. (For school wooden bows, it'll be placed in the range locker) Set up your equipments in the Bow Set Up Area (Indicated with a yellow box; 30m side of the range)
  • After setting up, place your bows at your respecting lanes to allow more space for the rest (according to the table the committee have sent before each training) 
  • After all is done, stay with your partner and move to warm up area (outside the range). Remember to stay 3m apart from other groups. 

 Warmup Set Up:



  1. Archers in Detail A will be shooting first (3 minutes). After 3 minutes, Detail A will collect arrows. Please return quickly so that training can be efficient.
  2. After Detail A's collection of arrows, Detail B will shoot (3 minutes). After 3 minutes, Detail B will collect arrows.
  3. Repeat from Step 1.

Expected Behaviours of NPAC Archers During Training:

  1. Respect -Always greet your coaches whenever you see them. Acknowledge them when they are saying something to you.
  2. Focus - During training, try not to talk to your fellow archers on the shooting line and focus on your shooting unless it is related to your shooting. If unsure about your form or shooting, do ask your coaches. When you're resting, please talk softly as there are other archers shooting as well.
  3. Resilience - Don't give up till the last arrow! 
  4. Teamwork - Remind one another to sanitise even if the committee has forgotten to remind about sanitisation. Team before self!
  5. Responsibility - Be responsible of your own equipments
  6. Sense of Urgency - Always move swiftly and quickly. No need to run but do walk quickly. 

I hope that everyone will be able to follow to these measures diligently and constantly remind each other to follow them as well. We would love to be able to continue having these FTF trainings with you! 

If you have any other queries, do ask in WhatsApp! Thank you 😊

Zhiyu 🐟

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